• 2024年09月15日 星期日 上午好!
  • 商法学者






      Shareholder Primacy and Corporate Governance– Legal Aspects, Practices and Future Directions (2013, Oxford: Routledge);
      “The Ideals and Reality of a Legal Transplant: The Veil-Piercing Doctrine in China” (2014) 50(2) Stanford Journal of International Law 319-358 (SSCI);
      “The Achilles Heel that Hobbles the Asian Giant – The Legal and Cultural Impediments to Antibribery Initiatives in China” (2013) 50(3) American Business Law Journal 483-541 (SSCI);
      “Less is More – A Critical View of Further EU Action towards a Harmonised Corporate Governance Framework in the aftermath of the Crisis” (2013) 12(1) Washington University Global Studies Law Review 41-93;
      “The Legitimacy of Unsecured Creditor Protection through the Lens of Corporate Social Responsibility” (2013) 8 Journal of Business Law 868-898 (with J Zhao);
      “Revisiting the Corporate Objective through the Economic Lens” (2013) 8 International Company and Commercial Law Review 302-317;
      “Gift Giving, Guanxi and Confucianism in a Harmonious Society: What Chinese Law could Learn from English Law on Aspects of Directors’ Duties” (2013) Company Lawyer 381-388 (with J Zhao);
      “The Magnitude of Shareholder Value as the Overriding Objective in the UK – The Post-Crisis Perspective”(2011) 26(7) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation325-338;
      “Exploring the Rationale of Enlightened Shareholder Value in the Realm of UK Company Law – The Path Dependence Perspective”, (2011) XIV International Trade and Business Law Review 153-173 (with J Zhao);
      “Corporate Governance and the Financial Crisis: Did the Theories Stand the Test?” (2010) 25(10) Journal of International Banking and Financial Law 612-617 (with J Zhao);
      “Promoting Stakeholders' Interests in the Unique Chinese Corporate Governance Model”, (2010) 21(11) International Company and Commercial Law Review 373-385 (with J Zhao);
      “Revisiting the Scope of a Scheme of Arrangement - Insights Derived from Lehman”, (2010) 3(3) Bankers Law 20-28 (with J Zhao);
      “Institutional Investor Activism on Socially Responsible Investment: Effects and Expectations”, (2009) 18 (3) Business Ethics: A European Review 308-333 (SSCI);


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